1. Master of Pharmacy
2. M. Tech. Software Engg.
3. M. Tech. Instrumentation
4. M. Tech. (Nano Sc. & Tech.)
5. M. Sc. (Forensic Sc.)
6. Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
7. M.Sc. (Operational Research in Industry & Management)
8. M.Sc. (Applied Economics & Business Forecasting)
9. Certificate Course in Japanese
10. Advanced Diploma of Proficiency in French
11. Diploma course in Urdu
12. M. Tech. Micro Electronic & VLSI Design
13. M.Tech. Digital Image & Speech Processing
14. M.Tech. (Energy & Env. Mgt.)
15. M.Tech. (Engg. & Computational Seismology)
16. M.Sc. (Genomics)
17. M.Sc. (Human Development) (2-year)
18. M.Tech. (Applied Geology) (5-year Integrated Course) (B.Tech. Applied Geology) degree to be awarded after four year)
19. M.Sc. (Financial Computing)
20. Certificate Course in Spanish
21. Advanced Diploma of Proficiency in German
Application procedure: Prospectus (Code No. PG-II) containing Admission Form, date of Entrance Test, Eligibility conditions, admission criteria can be obtained from the Manager (P&P), K.U. Kurukshetra by remitting a sum of Rs. 170/- (Rs. 80/- for SC/BC candidates of Haryana) by DD in favour of Registrar, U.K. payable at Kurukshetra, if required by Post. Price at the counter is Rs. 120/-(Rs.30/- SC/BC candidates of Haryana)
Prospectus and Admission Form can be downloaded from Website: http://www.kukinfo.com. Price of the prospectus Rs.120/-(Rs.30/- for SC/BC candidates of Haryana) along with prescribed Application processing Fee for the courses in which Entrance Test is to be held should be deposited by the candidate, in any CBS Branch of Punjab National Bank in India or sent through DD in favour of Registrar, Kurukshetra University payable at Kurukshetra.
Address: Kurukshetra University
Tel: 01744 - 238026
Fax: 01744 – 238035
Website: http://www.kukinfo.com
Last date of submission of Forms: 02.08.2008
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