Saturday, November 25, 2017

Top 20 Universities to study computer science / information science in UK

There are more jobs in the computer science than any other discipline. This is because these machines are getting smarter day by day. Now to perform any work we need to instruct a computer. Robots are already there and days are not far when even small grocery selling shops shall be ROBOTIZED. Learning computer is fun, working with computer is awesome and making a computer work is brilliant. This is why men and women continuously attracts towards computers.
We are all aware about success of android phones, because Google has made it cheaper. People by psychology are lazy and to fulfill the needs of those lazy beings intelligent ones makes machines work. This is why computer science has vast potential. But this is the field where you need continuous learning. When I joined IndiaEducation.Com in 2005, that was era of HTML websites, but now nobody like websites in plain HTML and more importantly now its android age. Reason enough I shall encourage you study computer science and information technology as part of your higher studies.

Are you going to study in UK? Are you not sure which institutions to join? Here is list of Top 20 Universities in the United Kingdom (UK) to study computer science and Information science (IS)

1. Cambridge University
  • BA Hons Computer Science
League Table Ranking 2018: 100

2. University of St Andrews
Courses Offered
  • BSc (hons) computer science - philosophy (optional year abroad)
  • MSci (hons) computer science (gateway) (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science & economics (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science & management science (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science (gateway) (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science (optional year abroad)
  • MSci (hons) computer science (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science & physics (optiona
  • BSc (hons) computer science & statistics (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science & psychology (optional year abroad)
  • BSc (hons) computer science & management (optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking 2018: 97

3. Imperial College, London
  • MEng (hons) computing (artificial intelligence)
  • BEng (hons) computing
  • MEng (hons) computing (year abroad)
  • MEng (hons) computing (computation in biology & medicine)
  • MEng (hons) computing (computational management)
  • MEng (hons) computing (software engineering)
  • MEng (hons) computing
  • MEng (hons) computing (games, vision & interaction)
  • MEng (hons) mathematics & computer science
  • BEng (hons) mathematics & computer science
  • MEng (hons) mathematics & computer science (computational statistics)
  • MEng (hons) mathematics & computer sciences (pure mathematics & computational logic)
League Table Ranking: 91.7

4. Loughborough University
  1. BSc (hons) computer science
  2. BSc (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  3. BSc (hons) computer science & artificial intelligence
  4. MSci (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  5. BSc (hons) computer science (foundation year)
  6. MSci (hons) information technology management for business (sandwich year)
  7. MSci (hons) information technology management for business
  8. BSc (hons) computer science & artificial intelligence (sandwich year)
  9. BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics
  10. BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (sandwich year)
  11. MSci (hons) computing & management (sandwich year)
  12. MSci (hons) computer science
  13. MSci (hons) computer science & mathematics
  14. MSci (hons) computer science & artificial intelligence (sandwich year)
  15. MSci (hons) computer science & mathematics (sandwich year)
  16. BSc (hons) computing & management (sandwich year)
  17. MSci (hons) computing & management
  18. BSc (hons) information technology management for business (sandwich year)
  19. BSc (hons) information technology management for business
  20. BSc (hons) computing & management
  21. MSci (hons) computer science & artificial intelligence
League Table Ranking 2018: 88.8

5. Swansea UniversityCourses Offered
  1.     BSc (hons) computer science
  2.     BSc (hons) software engineering
  3.     BSc (hons) computer science (foundation year)
  4.     BSc (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  5.     BSc (hons) software engineering (sandwich year)
  6.     MEng (hons) computing (sandwich year)
  7.     MSci (hons) computer science
  8.     MSci (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  9.     BSc (hons) education & computing
  10.     MEng (hons) computing
League Table Ranking 2018: 87.9

6. University of SurreyCourses
  1.     BSc (hons) computing & information technology
  2.     BSc (hons) computer science
  3.     BSc (hons) software development for business
  4.     BSc (hons) computing & information technology (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  5.     BSc (hons) computer science (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  6.     BSc (hons) software development for business (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  7.     BSc (hons) data science for health
  8.     BSc (hons) data science for health (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking: 87.1

7. Durham University
  1. BSc (hons) natural sciences (optional year abroad)
  2. MSci (hons) natural sciences
  3. BSc (hons) computer science (optional year abroad)
  4. MEng (hons) computer science
  5. BSc (hons) computer science (foundation year, optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking 84.7

8. University of Birmingham Courses
  1. BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  2. BSc (hons) artificial intelligence & computer science (optional foundation year)
  3. MEng (hons) computer science & software engineering (optional foundation year)
  4. MSci (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, year abroad)
  5. MSci (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  6. MSci (hons) computer science (optional foundation year)
  7. MEng (hons) computer science & software engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  8.     BSc (hons) artificial intelligence/ computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  9.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year)
  10.     MSci (hons) mathematics & computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  11.     BSc (hons) computer science with business management (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  12.     BSc (hons) mathematics & computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  13.     BSc (hons) computer science with business management (optional foundation year)
  14.     MSci (hons) mathematics & computer science (optional foundation year)
  15.     BSc (hons) mathematics & computer science (optional foundation year)
  16.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, year abroad)
League Table Ranking 84.1

9. University of Leeds
  1.     MEng (hons) computer science with distributed systems (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  2.     BSc (hons) applied computer science (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  3.     MEng (hons) computer science (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  4.     MEng (hons) applied computer science (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  5.     MEng (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  6.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  7.     BSc (hons) computer science with distributed systems (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  8.     BSc (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  9.     MSci (hons) computer science with mathematics (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  10.     BSc (hons) computer science with mathematics (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  11.     MEng (hons) Computer Science with High Performance Graphics and Games Engineering (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)

League Table Ranking 83.1

10. University of Manchester
  1.     MEng (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  2.     MEng (hons) artificial intelligence (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  3.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year)
  4.     BSc (hons) artificial intelligence (optional foundation year)
  5.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  6.     MEng (hons) computer science (optional foundation year)
  7.     MEng (hons) computer science (human computer interaction) with industrial experience (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  8.     BSc (hons) computer science (human computer interaction) (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  9.     BSc (hons) computer science (human computer interaction) (optional foundation year)
  10.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (accounting)
  11.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (accounting) (sandwich year)
  12.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (marketing)
  13.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (marketing) (sandwich year)
  14.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (strategy & economics)
  15.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (strategy & economics) (sandwich year)
  16.     MEng (hons) computer science (human computer interaction) (optional foundation year)
  17.     MEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year)
  18.     BEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  19.     MEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  20.     BSc (hons) computer science with business & management (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  21.     BSc (hons) artificial intelligence (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  22.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (optional foundation year)
  23.     MEng (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  24.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (sandwich year)
  25.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  26.     BSc (hons) computer science with business & management (optional foundation year)
  27.     BEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year)
  28.     MEng (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year)
  29.     BSc (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year)
  30.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business
  31.     BSc (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year)    MEng (hons) artificial intelligence (optional foundation year)

League Table Ranking: 82.8

11. University of Edinburgh
  1. BSc (hons) artificial intelligence & computer science (optional year abroad)
  2. BSc (hons) artificial intelligence (optional year abroad)
  3. BEng (hons) artificial intelligence & software engineering (optional year abroad)
  4. BEng (hons) computer science (optional year abroad)
  5. BSc (hons) computer science (optional year abroad)
  6. BSc (hons) cognitive science (optional year abroad)
  7. MInf (hons) informatics (optional year abroad)
  8. BEng (hons) software engineering (optional year abroad)
  9. BEng (hons) software engineering with management (optional year abroad)
  10. BEng (hons) artificial intelligence with management (optional year abroad)
  11. BSc (hons) artificial intelligence & mathematics (optional year abroad)
  12. BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (optional year abroad)
  13. MA (hons) cognitive science (humanities) (optional year abroad)
  14. MEng (hons) electronics & computer science (optional year abroad)
  15. BEng (hons) electronics & software engineering (optional year abroad)
  16. MEng (hons) electronics & software engineering (optional year abroad)
  17. BSc (hons) computer science & management science (optionalyear abroad)
  18.     MA (hons) linguistics (optional year abroad)
  19.     BSc (hons) computer science & physics (optional year abroad)
  20.     BEng (hons) computer science with management (optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking: 82.3

12. University of Bath
  1.     BSc (hons) computer science
  2.     MComp (hons) computer science
  3.     MComp (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  4.     BSc (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  5.     BSc (hons) computer science with business (year abroad)
  6.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (year abroad)
  7.     MComp (hons) computer science & mathematics (year abroad)
  8.     BSc (hons) computer science (year abroad)
  9.     BSc (hons) computer science with business
  10.     BSc (hons) computer science with business (sandwich year)
  11.     MComp (hons) computer science & mathematics (sandwich year)
  12.     MComp (hons) computer science (year abroad)
  13.     MComp (hons) computer science & mathematics
  14.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (sandwich year)
  15.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics
League Table Ranking: 82

13. University of Bristol
  1.     BSc (hons) computer science
  2.     BEng (hons) software engineering
  3.     BSc (hons) information technology in organisations
  4.     MEng (hons) computer science (optional sandwich year)
  5.     BEng (hons) software engineering (foundation year)
  6.     BSc (hons) computer science (foundation year)
  7.     MEng (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence
  8.     MComp (hons) information technology in organisations (optional sandwich year)
  9.     MEng (hons) computer science with mobile & secure systems
  10.     MEng (hons) computer science with image & multimedia systems
  11.     MEng (hons) electronic engineering with computer systems
  12.     MEng (hons) electronic engineering with artificial intelligence
  13.     BSc (hons) web science (social science)
  14.     MEng (hons) distributed systems & networks
  15.     BSc (hons) mathematics with computer science
  16.     MEng (hons) software engineering (foundation year)
  17.     BSc (hons) web science (computer science)
  18.     MEng (hons) computer science with cyber security
  19.     MEng (hons) software engineering (optional sandwich year)
League Table Ranking: 81.2

14. University College London

  1.     BSc (hons) computer science
  2.     BSc (hons) information management for business
  3.     MEng (hons) computer science
  4.     MEng (hons) mathematical computation
  5.     MSci (hons) information management for business
League Table Ranking - 79.1

15. University of Nottingham Courses
  1. BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, optional year abroad)
  2. MSci (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, year abroad)
  3. BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  4. MSci (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence (optional foundation year, optional year abroad)
  5. BSc (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence (optional foundation year, optional year abroad)
  6. MSci (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence (optional foundation year, year abroad)
  7. BSc (hons) computer science & artificial intelligence (optional foundation year, sandwich year)
  8. BSc (hons) data science (optional foundation year)
  9. MSci (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, optional year abroad
League Table Ranking: 79.8

16. Lancaster University
  1. BSc (hons) software engineering
  2. BSc (hons) natural sciences
  3. BSc (hons) natural sciences (study abroad)
  4. BSc (hons) computer science
  5. BSc (hons) computer science (study abroad)
  6. MSci (hons) computer science (with industrial experience)
  7. MSci (hons) natural sciences
  8. MSci (hons) natural sciences (study abroad)
  9. BSc (hons) Spanish studies & computing
  10. BSc (hons) IT for creative industries
  11. MSci (hons) IT for creative industries (with industrial experience)
  12. BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics
  13. BSc (hons) management & information technology (4 years including placement)
  14. BSc (hons) accounting, finance & computer science
  15. MSci(hons) software engineering (with industrial experience)
  16.     BSc (hons) French studies & computing
  17.     BSc (hons) German studies & computing
  18.     MSci (hons) computer science & mathematics
  19.     BSc (hons) accounting, finance & computer science (industry)
League Table Ranking: 78.6

17. University of Dundee    Courses:
  1.     BSc (hons) computing science (optional year abroad)
  2.     BSc (hons) applied computing (optional year abroad)
  3.     BSc (hons) applied computing: human computer interaction (optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking 78.4

18. University of York
  1. MEng (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence
  2. BEng/BSc (hons) computer science
  3. BEng (hons) computer science with embedded systems engineering
  4. BEng/BSc (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  5. BEng (hons) computer science with embedded systems engineering (sandwich year)
  6. MEng (hons) computer science with embedded systems engineering
  7. MEng (hons) computer science with embedded systems engineering (sandwich year)
  8. BSc (hons) computer science/ mathematics (equal) (sandwich year)
  9. BSc (hons) computer science/ mathematics (equal)
  10.     MEng (hons) computer science
  11.     MEng (hons) computer science (sandwich year)
  12.     MEng (hons) computer science with artificial intelligence (sandwich year)
  13.     MMath (hons) mathematics/ computer science (equal)
  14.     MMath (hons) mathematics/ computer science (equal) (sandwich year)
League Table Ranking: 77.4

19. University of Sheffield
  1. MComp (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  2.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  3.     BSc (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  4.     MComp (hons) computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  5.     BEng (hons) software development for business (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  6.     BEng (hons) software development for business (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  7.     MEng (hons) software development for business (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  8.     MEng (hons) software development for business (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  9.     MEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  10.     MPhys (hons) physics with computer science
  11.     BEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  12.     BSc (hons) physics with computer science
  13.     MComp (hons) computer science with mathematics (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  14.     MComp (hons) computer science with mathem
  15. atics (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  16.     MEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  17.     BEng (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  18.     BEng (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  19.     MEng (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  20.     MEng (hons) software engineering (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  21.     MComp (hons) artificial intelligence & computer science (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  22.     MComp (hons) artificial intelligence & computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  23.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  24.     BSc (hons) computer science & mathematics (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  25.     BSc (hons) artificial intelligence & computer science (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  26.     BSc (hons) artificial intelligence & computer science (optional foundation year, sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  27.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  28.     BSc (hons) information technology management for business (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  29.     BEng (hons) computer systems engineering (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking: 75.2

20. University of CardiffCourses
  •     BSc (hons) multimedia computing (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     BSc (hons) business information technology (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     BSc (hons) computer science (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     BSc (hons) computing (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     BSc (hons) ethical hacking & network security (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     BSc (hons) games technology (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     BSc (hons) information technology practitioner (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  •     HND information technology practitioner (optional foundation year)
  •     BSc (hons) mathematics & data analytics (optional sandwich year, optional year abroad)
League Table Ranking: 71.6

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