CSIR - Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee
Invites Applications for Ph.D Programme of Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) August 2013 Session
The CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, is a premier research institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), invites applications for Ph.D Program under Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) from eligible candidates.
Eligibility Criteria
PhD Science: Master’s Degree in Earth Science (Geology/Geophysics) or Chemistry (Inorganic/Organic/Polymer) or Masters Degree in Material Science with specialization in corrosion science having a valid national level fellowship (JRF/SRF of various funding agencies, e.g. CSIR, UGC, DBT,DST etc), INSPIRE or other equivalent fellowships.
Ph.D Engineering: A Master’s degree in Engineering / Technology (Civil- Structural, Geotechnical, Mechanical- Machine Dynamics) or a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology (Chemical/Metallurgy) with M.Tech in Corrosion Science / Engineering with a valid GATE Score or UGC/CSIR/NET/NBHM or Valid CSIR-SRF or equivalent fellowship.
Note: CSIR Scientists recruited 2009 onwards / Existing Research Fellows / Project Assistants (working at CSIR labs for a minimum of 1 year) who fulfill the qualifications are also eligible to apply.
How to apply?
Interested candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply online from April 18, 2013 at http://acsir.res.in
Online application will close on May 23, 2013
For more details about application and admission procedure candidates are requested to visit the website http://acsir.res.in
For details about CBRI, Roorkee visit www.cbri.res.in