Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Marine Pollution

Marine pollution refers to ocean contamination, especially with man-made waste or byproducts. This is considered to be a severe problem by many environmentalists, since it can have detrimental and lasting effects on the global marine ecosystem. There are several types of marine pollution, each of which has the potential to harm the delicate balance of life.

A number of sources can generate marine pollution. Sources that directly dump waste into the water are known as point sources. Non-point source pollution is harder to recognize, and therefore harder to regulate. This occurs when pollution comes from several hard-to-pinpoint sources, such as the debris blown into the ocean by flurry of winds etc.

Control of Marine Pollution

A number of International Agreements and Programs have focused on controlling marine pollution including coastal like London Dumping Convention, Global Program of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from London Based Activities i.e. GPALBA, etc.
Marine Protected areas are sets up by different nations to protect marine ecosystems, natural habitats and species.
Some of India’s important MPA’s are in the Gulf of Kutch, the Gulf of Mannar and the Andamans.

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