Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Scholarships for Study Abroad

Higher study is a costly affair, very few truly can go for it. When going to collage one need support system for 3/4/5 or more years to meet tuition cost and living expenses. Long time back Rahul Bajaj the then MD of Bajaj Scooters written a column over Times of India and he advised to go to college if you are keen to career in academics and research etc. What happens generally is we go to college, get certificate and then look for alternative careers. However a major portion of students fall in the previous category, those who are good enough in academics and can make it truly big.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Oliveboard: Your Pathway to Clear Government Exams in the First Attempt

One of the most lucrative and satisfying and respectful jobs that a man can get is a government job. Be it the state government or the central government. A job in the government and being an employee of the government gives you a chance to serve the nation and the people and along with a good pay and job security it gains you massive respect. With a population of over a billion in India and government job vacancies being as little as a lakh it has become increasingly difficult to get a job with the government.  This is because the competitive exams for the jobs need a good amount of preparation and loads of knowledge about the current affairs.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How to go from noob to employable Android Developer

Are you a noob?

Well, best of the software experts in the industry today were a noob sometimes back. They are experts today because they learn it the hard way. They have faced hurdles and failures but never taken a back step. Next is your turn and you can do it. You can get that dream job of Android Developer if you are ready to learn, experiment and relearn. If you are looking for a job as Android Developer but still not succeed you are not alone. According to a survey conducted by Aspiring Minds, 95% computer science graduates are not fit for software developer jobs (Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/ites/95-engineers-in-india-unfit-for-software-development-jobs-report/articleshow/58278004.cms)
For obvious reasons you want to be listed among rest of the 5%. Here, in this article, I am going to tell you ‘how to go from a noob to employable Android Developer?’

1.    Learn English
Majority of computer programmes are written in English.  To understand how a programme works you need to understand instructions popping out on the computer screen. If your English is not good enough or below average, learn it. Without English you cannot learn software development. Programming Guru Leo Nottenboom (Askleo.com) suggests learning of English as first steps in learning computer programming.

2.    Learn Basic Programming Languages
HTML, CSS, JAVA and XML are basic requirements to learn Android Development. Of these, JAVA makes the backbone of Android Programmes. All these are basic programming languages. Knowledge in these languages will help you in learning better Android Development.

3.    Make Use of Tools
There are many tools to hellp in building Android progrmmes. For example Git, Eclipse, Android studio, Gradle etc. With help of Eclipse,you can develpop and set up a project in IDE. Git tools you can put under version control. With help of Gradle you can found the built in systems and capacities. You can find many online tutorials and videos over Youtube to learn about these tools.

4.    Learn to Design
Will you like to keep a dirty looking app on your smartphone, definitely no, and so not other smartphone users. In Android Development, UI/UX matters more than coding part. Excel in UI/UX if you want your app to go viral. Android apps works like assistant to smartphone users. Nobody will like to deal with a short tempred or untidy assistant.

5.    Gain knowledge of Android libraries
Programmers are bound to face several issues over a days of work. You should have sound knowledge of Android libraries and continuously strive for it. You can use libraries to reuse code and make development process smooth. Have a good knowledge of Android libraries makes one a better Android developer.

6. Source for android knowledge
Android world is full of events. You should keep yourself updated with latest developments, new android technologies and bugs. Google’s official Android development page is a great resource to update your knowledge on day to day basis.

7.    Programming languages for development
JAVA, XML and SQL are main programming languages for Android development. You should be well versed in these. Concepts such as variables, loops, control structures, lists should be well-known to you. Data organization holds utmost importance in Android development. You should be highly skilled in SQL. XML syntax are very useful as they perform tasks like parsing data feeds, designing user interface and doing more.

8.    Patience
Coding is fun once you are used to it but at the same time coding is most mind bugging task in a developers hands. You should be ready to see errors on your computer screen and have enough patience to correct them. Coding is very easy task but to make codes work you need loads of patience.

9. Love for new apps
Innumerable mobile apps are released on day to day basis. You cannot try and test them all. But have an eye for good android apps added in Playstore. Use them to learn new things and experience new UI. In fact, frequent use of new android apps may paves the way for a newer app that you can build.

10. Team Player
Android Development is not a one man process. You need to collaborate with designers, marketers, managers and CEOs to make your Android app better. These are friends and coworkers who will download your android app first. Collaboration invites critics, love your critics.

11.    Get a mentor:
A mentor is a like a SUV, you have to afford it. Find one and work under his or her guidance. Your mentor, who is for obvious reasons, much experienced than you will be a timely help and most dangerous critics. Ultimately, he / she is the one who will shape up you in an employable android developer.

12.    Seek Help
There are communities of Android developers over places like Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora and Twitter etc. Twitter is good to know about new App launches, however places like Quora are good to meet to mentors. Share knowledge and help upcoming developers. Chose the best fit network for you and PARTICIPATE. In turn you will get attention from experts to shape up your knowledge.

Over to you

These are some tips but not all to become an employable android developer. You can test and try these. Also you can apply your knowledge and ask from a mentor, how you could become a successful android developer. Those want to become good android developer should have patience and determination to learn new things and apply in the work process reguarly.

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