Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, and destruction and devastation to life and property. The damage caused by disasters is immeasurable and varies with the geographical location, climate and the type of the earth surface/degree of vulnerability. This influences the mental, socio-economic, political and cultural state of the affected area.


Waste, or rubbish, trash, junk, garbage, depending on the type of material or the regional terminology, is an unwanted or undesired material or substance. It may consist of the unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations,) or from community and household activities. The material may be discarded or accumulated, stored, or treated (physically, chemically, or biologically), prior to being discarded or recycled. It is also used to describe something we use inefficiently or inappropriately.

Ozone Layer Depletion

Ozone is composed of three oxygen molecules and. is produced naturally by sunlight. At ground level ozone is a pollutant, but in the upper stratosphere (a segment of atmosphere extending approximately 9 miles to 30 miles above the earth's surface) it forms a layer that protects the earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. Although ozone composes a small part of the atmosphere's total mass, it absorbs more than 99% of the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

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