Saturday, February 23, 2019

How students can get hygienic meal

Many students starts living away from parents as soon they get enrolled for a college course or earlier. In fact at some point of time in life many lives away. Getting food is a challenge. No matter how much you spend, at 90% occasions you get two things; one, something to fill your stomach and two, free germs. Food is integral part of life and hygiene makes 50% of your meal. This is not a food blog but yes I want to keep my readers healthy. After eating street food, junk food, healthy food, fast food, premium food blah blah blah and after suffering many times over a year I observed couple things about restaurant food / take away kitchen. I suppose many of us know cooking but don't do it and often counts on food parcel or eat out. So here are some suggestions if you are hungry
1. Find restaurants in your area.
2. Check rate card.
3. Try different food joints till you find couple of them those interests your taste buds and tummy both.
4. When you visit a food joint or restaurant observe if they maintain hygiene. Of course you can't see their kitchen if its a restaurant but observe service, sitting area, attitude etc.
Once I visited a food joint and felt like I am sitting over garbage despite its mentioned as one of the good meal supplier in a top food delivery app.
5. If you take food parcel, pick yourself or order directly to restaurant. Keep online food delivery app as your last choice. Often restaurant pack less quantity for higher price when you order online.
6. Do not buy on credit, they will serve you third grade meal. Sometime restaurant manager trick you and give meal willingly on credit, show extra care for you saying you are regular customer. Don't get tricked. When you have a currency of 500 and bill is 100 bucks only, if you are regular normally cashier trick you saying pay later. This is trick to bring you back.
Every business need repeat customer but what I truly hate is when consumer is tricked or cheated.
7. A food deliver app should be your last choice. I observed prices of many restaurants and there is a huge gap in pricing when you visit and buy versus order food online.
8. Do not get tricked in the name of offers and discounts. Those offers are given out to make a habit of order online in you. That's a dirty trick. Nothing comes for half the price so can come your food?
9. Food parcel comes in plastic bags. I hope those contain enough germs. The dirtiest invention of century is plastic packaging.
10. Third grade raw material is used in preparing meal at food joints and restaurants and even top restaurants.
I have no personal enmity with people in food business but this happens largely across India. Health is the biggest luxury you have at disposal. Food makes life, what you eat that you become.Hygiene is first thing when feeding your stomach. Chose your meal wisely.

Ask any food delivery guy in how many day he sanitize his parcel career bag?

Idiots like me buy food from outside then write here. Good people cook their meal. Home cooking is not cheap but at home hygiene comes for little efforts and time.

Busy schedules, day long lectures, classrooms leave almost no time for activity like cooking but watch before you eat. If you stay in a hostel and joined mess ask for good hygienic meal. Do not accept junk or just anything. Hostel mess and canteen are notorious for serving waste meal. In case of problems DO NOT FIGHT give written complaint to those responsible for hostel administration.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

A must watch for all teens and adults

This blog has no business in things like stage show. But you love watching youtube videos here is a must watch for everyone.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Who is your competitor

Competition, we start hearing this word at very young age. Since the age of 7 I know there is competition, it's everywhere and you need to overcome. By 10 I started understanding competition is because of competitors.
But who is your biggest competitor? Who is that one person against who you need to win? This video has answer. I rHi k everyone should watch it.

Friday, January 4, 2019

ISCI GST Webinar

Goods and Services Tax (GST) has made loads of news, fake news, promises and disappointments since years. Since it is imposed by government everyone generating money need to pay GST. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is going to conduct a Webinar on GST for CS Students. The Webinar is scheduled at 10 am on January 5, 2019. Here is Official ICSI Press Release

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Download Handbook for School Students on Cyber Security

Gadgets are taking place of books in the classroom and outside too. Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones are common items now. Students need these devices to get help. Some people talk about not giving phones to teens but personally I am in favor of giving phones to school goers till they keep it Switch Off in the classrooms.
With anything comes new challenges and mobile phones are no different. The biggest challenge comes with Smartphones is Cyber Threat and children are easy target.
To safe keep children from Cyber Crime, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has released an ebook.
Download Handbook for School Students on Cyber Security

List of Standardized Test in USA

To measure academic success at different levels, the colleges and universities of United States demands score in standardized test. Often these tests are open to International students as well. Here given list of Standardized Test in USA for Under Graduate and Graduate Programme admission

Under Graduate Programme
SAT – formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test, now Scholastic Assessment Test
SAT Subject Tests
ACT – formerly American College Testing Program or American College Test
CLT – Classic Learning Test
THEA – Texas Higher Education Assessment
GED – HSE or High School Diploma Equivalent; GED, HiSET or TASC brand of tests, depending on your State
PERT – Replaced Accuplacer as the standard college placement test in Florida

Graduate Programme
Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Dental Admission Test (DAT) (United States)
Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) (Canada)
Optometry Admission Test (OAT)
Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)
Test of Essential Academic Skills(TEAS)
Veterinary College Admission Test (VCAT) (Has not been offered since April 2003)
Allied Health Professions Admission Test (AHPAT)
Law School Admission Test (LSAT)

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