Post Graduate Degree Courses:M.D.: Anaesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, Forensic Medicine, General Medicine, Community Health Administration, Microbiology Paediatrics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychiatry, Pulmonary Medicine, Radio-Diagnosis And Radio-Therapy.
M.S.: General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics and Otorhinolaryngology.
Post Graduate MDS Courses:Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge, Periodontology, Conservative &
Endodonticsand Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
Post Graduate Diploma Courses:Allergy And Clinical immunology (DACI), Anaesthesiology (DA), Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy (DDVL), Obstetrics & Gynaecology (DGO), Ophthalmology (DO), Otorhinolaryngology (DLO),
Paediatrics (DCH), Radio-Diagnosis (DMRD), Radiation Medicine (DRM), Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases (DTCD), Health Administration (DHA) And Health Education (DHE).
Eligibility CriteriaEligibility Criteria for admission to Post-Graduate Degree/ Diploma/ MDS Courses (Except CHA and DHE course):The candidate must have passed final M.B.B.S. examination for MD/MS Course and BDS examination for MDS Course of the University of Delhi and must have completed satisfactorily one year compulsory rotating internship as on 31.03.2011 and must submit their internship completion certificate before or at the time of appearing for the counselling.
The candidate must have full registration with the Delhi Medical Council/ State Medical Council/ Medical Council of India/ Dental Council of India.
For MD/MS/Diploma Courses: A candidate in order to become eligible for admission must obtain 600 marks out of 1200 i.e. 50% marks in the PGMET.
Provided that candidates belonging to SC and ST categories shall be required to obtain 480 marks out of 1200 i.e. 40% marks in the PGMET and in case of OBC category candidates shall be required to obtain 540 marks out of 1200 i.e. 45% marks in PGMET.
For MDS Courses: A candidate in order to become eligible for admission must obtain 400 marks out of 800 i.e. 50% marks in the PGMET. Provided that candidates belonging to SC and ST categories shall be required to obtain 320 marks out of 800 i.e. 40% marks in the PGMET and in case of OBC category candidates shall be required to obtain 360 marks out of 800 i.e. 45% marks in PGMET.
Eligibility Criteria for admission to MD (Community Health Administration) course:A candidate must have completed satisfactorily one year of compulsory rotating internship after passing the final M.B.B.S. examination.
The candidate must have full registration with the Delhi Medical Council/ State Medical Council/ Medical Council of India.
The admission of the candidates be made strictly according to the merit based on the PGMET – 2011.
The candidate must have put in 5 years of service on or before 31-03-2011.
For Diploma in Health Education (D.H.E.) Course:The candidates seeking admission to the above course shall satisfy the following conditions on or before 31-03-2011:
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery recognized by Medical Council of India with at least one year’s experience of working in General Medicine/ Primary Health Centre/ Department of Preventive and Social Medicine or Community Health or in a Medical College. Preference will be given to those candidates who are in service. OR
Master’s Degree in selected Social Science (i.e. Psychology/ Sociology/
Anthropology/ Social Work/ Economics /Political Science/ Education or Nursing from recognized University with at least one year’s experience in community health welfare programmes or teaching in Social Biological Science/ Physical Education / Home Science. Preference will be given to those candidates who are in service. OR
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences as stated in (b) above or Home Science/ Nursing/ Education or Public Health from a recognized University, with at least three years experience in community health and who are in service.
Application ProcedureThe candidates may obtain Bulletin of Information and Application Form from the Office of the Deputy Registrar (Medical), Faculty of Medical Sciences, 6th Floor, V.P. Chest Institute Building, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007 in the following manner:
(i) By hand In person against bank draft for Rs.1,500/- (One Thousand Five hundred only) for General Category and OBC Category candidates and Rs.1,000/- (One Thousand Only) for SC/ST/PH category candidates between 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. and 2:00 PM to 04:00 PM on all working days upto 07.01.2011.
(ii) By post Against bank draft for Rs.1,550/- (Rs.One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty only) for General Category and OBC Category candidates and Rs.1,050/- (Rs. One Thousand and Fifty Only) for SC/ ST/ PH category candidates by sending a self addressed envelop of 10" X 8" up to 29.12.2010.
(iii) The candidates may also download the Application Form from the Faculty website or Delhi University website and submit the same alongwith requisite Application Form Fee.
All payments to the University should be made by a crossed Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of the Registrar, University of Delhi payable at Delhi. The candidate should mention his/ her name and address at the back of the Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque. The candidates are advised to retain a photocopy of the Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque.
Contact InformationAddress: Faculty of Medical Sciences, 6th Floor, Vallabhai Patel Chest Institute Building, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Phone : +91-11-27667647, 27662764, 27662208
Fax : +91-11-27662763
Last date for receipt of form: 07 January 2011
Entrance Date: 05 February 2011
Test Centers: Delhi