Twitter is big, in fact truly big. Experts, industry leaders, inventors, inventors, investors connects on Twitter. The people of such profile like to talk precisely. They do not create u wanted noise. They speak limited but their words holds huge value.
Twitter is true social media, here you need to say it in few words. You have limited space to broadcast your words. Incidentally thought leaders speak in limited words.
Creating Twitter profile is super easy. You don't need to reveal everything in profile section. It has limited but enough space to show who you are.
With whatsoever school you are associated, chances are it have own twitter handle. Follow it, your teachers and other fellow students.
Next search for your interests in Twitter, for example, photography, software engineering or whatever you want to.
You will get a Hashtag of your intent in Twitter. Take it in your favorite.
Now scan through the Hashtag and find who are tweeting around that.
According to your interest follow people may be 10 or 20.
Check everyday what those people said. Read your most favorite posts and keep in your favorite.
Retweet posts those you like truly. You can put your own words with Retweet.
Also put comments below your favorite tweets.
Do it as ritual for 30 minutes a day or less.
Over a year you will have many Twitter followers.
The influencers who following will notice your efforts.
Doing you may get:
A job
Funds to start a business
A lead or your first customer.
Isn't it great.
And least but not lost you can become Twitter Influencer yourself.